Maksa Google Paylla – omalla tavallasi

Mobile payments work with NFC-activated mobilephones and iOS 6 or later. You add your card and activate contactless payments in your phone.

Turvallisuus ja muut edut

With Google Pay you can use all your mobile untits that support HCE and pay with your Visa in hundreds of thousands ofstores on make purcahses in app. Open Google Wallet apps or go to to download the app. Take a picture of your Visa card through the Google Pay app or type your card information in manually. Ready!

Näin se toimii

Kätevää, yksinkertaista ja turvallista


Hanki sovellus

Lataa Google Pay -sovellus Google Play -kaupasta tai tarkista onko se jo valmiiksi asennettu koneellesi.

android phone and visa card

Lisää Visa-korttisi

Se on helppoa: nappaa vain kuva kortistasi Google Pay -sovelluksella.

android phone paying contactless

Tee ostoksia

Google Pay toimii maksuvälineenä niin kaupan kassalla kuin verkkokaupassakin.

Missä Visa Google Pay käy maksuvälineenä?

Visa Google Pay käy maksuvälineenä kaikissa lähimaksun hyväksyvissä kauppapaikoissa. 

Sama pätee myös ulkomailla. Google Pay –sovellusmaksuja voi puolestaan tehdä sen erikseen hyväksyvissä mobiilisovelluksissa.

Ketkä kaikki tarjoavat Visa-korttia Google Pay -maksuihin?

tathan pankistasi, tarjoavatko he Google Pay -palvelun.

How to pay with your mobile phone

Does it work in a phone case?

Visa on you rmobile will work in any phone case, as long as it doesn’t inhibit your phone’s NFC capability. A standard phone case shouldn’t cause any issues. 

What's the spend limit when I use Visa on my phone? Do I need a pin?

The same limits that apply all Visa payments, including the contactless. For security reasons you may be prompted to enter a PIN for transactions above xxx, alternatively verify yourself in your movile or smart watch.

What are contactless payments?

Contactless payments use short-range wireless technology to make secure payments between a contactless card or payment-enabled device and a contactless-enabled checkout terminal. When you tap your card or device near the Contactless Symbol  - , your payment is sent for authorization.

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Will the amount be deducted twice if I accerdentally hold my card to the reader twice?

No. You can only pay once for each transaction. The terminal does not accept two payments for one purcahse - just like when you use chip and pin.

Wallet icon

Does it cost me anything to use Visa on my mobile?

There are no extra fees charged to use VIsa on your mobile - it’s just like using your plastic card.

How does it work with multiple cards?

You can add multiple Visa cards to your mobile wallet - simply swipe across your wallet to choose the card you want to use.

Can I accedentaly pay with my contactless card?

No. For a payment to occur your card has to be very close to the reader.

currency holder icon

Can I get a refundif I've payed with my phone?

To get your money back for a purchase made using Visa on your mobile, just use your phone or plastic card to receive your refund. You may be required to enter your PIN.

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It's secure

When you pay with Visa each transaction has a onetime code that protects your information. To gurantee your safety you need to verify all purchases over 200 SEK with PIN-code  or your mobiles current method. For apayment to go through  your contactless unit needs to be placed 5cm, at the most, from the contactless symbol on the terminal. This means you cannot pay by misstake, even if you accidentaly tap twice you only pay once.

Does my bank cover fraud, like it does with my physical cards? 

Personal transaction information that can be tied back to you is not passed to third party providers. Visa tokenised technology makes sure only your bank knows what and where you spend. 

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Does my phone need to be unlocked?

It’ll depend on your device - on most, you can access Visa on your mobile just by holding your phone near the terminal and enabling payment through biometrics. For some, you'll need to unlock to pay. Head to ‘It’s Easy’ to find out more.

What happens id I loose my mobile or contactless card?

If you loose your phone or card you need to call your bank, they will block all your Visa transaktions as fast as possible. If someone uses your card for a pay,ent you will not loose the money, if you have been careful with your card and notified your bank as soon as you notice it's gone.

Can someone bump against my device and steal my money?

No. Your PIN, and on many devices, biometrics – like your Face ID or Touch ID – provide an extra layer of security to mobile payments. This means no one can use your phone to pay if you lose it, or bump against your phone to use your money.

Reduce Fraud Icon

Am I protected againt fraud with my contactless card?

You are always protected with your visa card. You get the same protection level  from your bank as you get with all other Visa transaktions. And if you loose your card or if it getäs stolen it will be blocked by the bank as soon as you notify them that it has been lost.

icon of a world

Where can you pay

Visa is accepted in over 44 million places world wide. Many also accept contactless payemnts and the number of terminals that do increse everyday. To pay, look for this symbol 

Where can I pay contactless?

You can pay contacless with card, mobile or other unit everywhere that accepts contactless payments.

Airplane icon

Can I pay contactless abroad?

You can pay contactless with card, mobile or other unit everywhere that accepts contactless payments. Look for this symbol at the terminal when you pay 

bank icon

What banks offer contactless payments?

The offer differs from banks. Check with your bank what applies.