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This initiative is thanks to the Government of the Republic of Argentina.

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Get to know Buenos Aires

This huge capital is recognized by its wide cultural and recreational offers, day and night the 365 days of the year: the Colon Theatre and small experimental theatres (most of them located on the Corrientes Avenue), old bookstores and new cultural centers, more than 100 museums and art galleries; big handicraft fairs and modern shopping centers; historical coffee houses; bars featuring tango and milonga shows; discos and pubs with international music; restaurants of different kinds, styles and cuisines; casinos and the most passionate football (soccer) games. Visitors may tour around the city visiting the most traditional neighborhoods like San Telmo, La Boca, Congreso or Abasto, the most sophisticated ones like Recoleta or Belgrano, or the most modern ones: Puerto Madero or Palermo, birthplace of the vanguard design. Tourists are invited to take thematic walks, following the steps of emblematic characters of either tango or Argentine culture, like Gardel, Evita or Borges. For those who enjoy sailing, the Río de la Plata offers many options; while the city streets challenge free-spirits to wander around, moved by the curiosity to discover the endless attractions of this beautiful city.1
Get to know Mendoza

Circuits associated to wine-tourism comply with the expectations of those willing to discover the qualities of national wines, mainly Malbec, provided it is the emblematic national strain. Adventure tourism is also an outstanding choice. In winter, ski and snowboard are practiced at two winter centers (Penitentes and Las Leñas); in summer, every kind of mountain activities take place: rafting and kayak take advantage of the maximum flow of rivers. Besides, Mendoza counts with eight water reservoirs fit for boating, windsurf, waterski, diving, yatching, motonautics or sport fishing. For those loving altitudes, Andean Climbing is practiced at every level while paragliding and hang gliding are practiced at the mounts closest to the city. For those seeking to enjoy the beautiful landscapes in an absolute relaxed atmosphere, photographic safaris and wild fauna watching are excellent options. Horse Ridings at the Andes Mountain Range (even tours that follow the paths used by the soldiers that crossed The Andes) and the Aconcagua National Park, where the Aconcagua Mount is located, one of the highest peaks in the world (6.949 mts), are other options that tourists loving nature and seeking adventure should not miss!1
Get to know Bariloche

The diverse native fauna gives place to activities like hunting, fishing, bird watching, diving and gastronomy. As part of the Patagonia, it features excellent weather and geographic conditions for mountain activities and paragliding.
In the suburbs of the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, we find the ski center Catedral one of the most important centers in the southern hemisphere and permanent venue for Ski and Snowboard Tournaments for both professionals and amateurs. Nautical sports become popular in summer while the lake banks attract tourists with the first strong sunshine. Golf also has formidable courses for its practice. Besides, this province hosts important valleys devoted to the production of fruits and vineyards and cities with many cultural options that are worth to be known.1
Get to know Ushuaia

Known as the southernmost city in the world, Ushuaia is 3.171 Kms far from Buenos Aires. Tierra del Fuego - "Fireland" - is an archipelago formed by the Isla Grande and hundreds of minor islands until Cape Horn. It is the last visit before starting navigation towards The Antartida. Catamaran sails through the Beagle Channel, during which there is a chance of seeing the famous Les Éclaireurs lighthouse; an excellent gastronomy based on spider crab, shellfish and lamb; its winter center, Cerro Castor, featuring the most extended snow season (June to October); sport fishing; ecotourism at the parks and rides on the fabulous End of the World Train are just a few of the many options that turn Tierra del Fuego into an unforgettable experience.
The whole territory has permanent options to combine active tourism with nature. Tierra del Fuego National Park preserves species of sub-antartic forests, where live red foxes, guanacos, rabbits, beavers and condors. The observation of marine birds is another attraction, mainly at LaPataia Bay. Year after year, adventurers, explorers and climbers arrive from different parts of the world and they leave fascinated by the proposals that these lands offer.1
Get to know Puerto Iguazu

This province is internationally known because it hosts the Iguazú National Park (Patrimony of Mankind) where the famous Iguazú Falls are found. The province as a whole is a destination suitable for adventure and its national park is, beyond doubts, a privileged place for safaris and sightseeing. Among the diversity of species that inhabit the region, we find multicolor toucans and parrots, pumas, yaguaretes and a wide variety of birds. During daylight or in the evenings there are guided walks or touristic train tours. Misiones also hosts the cultural heritage of the Guarani Jesuit Missions with their impressive archaeological ruins. The Yerba Mate Route is another attractive circuit.1
Get to know San Martín de los Andes

The landscape made up of great mountains, majestic lakes and magically extensive forests is enriched with enchanting myths and legends, which give this place a very mystical sense. The tourists centers that make up the corridor of the “Lagos en la Provincia de Neuquén” or the Lakes of Neuquén Province are: Villa Pehuenia, Aluminé, Piedra del Águila, Junín de los Andes, San Martín de los Andes, Villa la Angostura, Villa Lago Meliquina, Villa Traful.
But there is another component that gives the region an unparalleled richness: the presence of its primitive settlers, undisputable forgers throughout their history, culture and identity.
Geographically speaking, the well-known “Ruta de los Siete Lagos” or Route of the Seven Lakes allows you to travel between the cities of San Martin de los Andes and Villa la Angostura, which dazzles by their constant landscapes of extraordinary beauty.2
Get to know Rosario

At the southern area of the province of Santa Fe, at 187 miles from Buenos Aires city, Rosario is, for many reasons, a large city. Born on the Paraná riverside, it is a commercial and business center of great relevance for Argentine production activities. A city with varied cultural and recreational proposals, to go with the family, your couple or just friends. A place to discover fundamental monuments of the country’s history. And a destination where it is also possible to enjoy nature: Rosario, the big city, it is closely related to the river that embraces it.1